Land of Black Milk
(swipe right)
You can try to identify beauty and cruelty, truth and lie, good and bad. Yet there is no universal instruction for it. If we have no guarantee that we all see the same, the only point we will meet is the stillness of an idea. Who can tell if the world is happy or sad, black or grey?
Seduction and corruption, stimulation and frustration,
desire and gunfires.
You are a certain kind of wild if you are from here.
A craze that jumps across your glimpses.
To be so perfect, but there is no sophistication here;
no quest for an ideal.
Rio de Janeiro is not so much one city as different worlds.
Multiplied realities of one place and the space in between.
A two-ness, two warring ideals in one body,
with an inherently split personality.
In there, favelas are everywhere – they are in the heart of the metropolis, in the periphery, in every corner of the city.
And they stand in sharp contrast to the asphalted city nearby.
This is were the common law doesn’t count, there, their own rules exist.
It’s the palace of the traffickers – their hidden space; as well as home for those who are working for the people in the wealthy South Zone.
The two-ness of a land, vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
– Stefanie Moshammer
2019 – Nuremberg House, Krakow / PL (Solo)
2017 – Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm / SWE
2017 – Gallery Mercatorplein x Foam, Amsterdam / NL
2017 – Foam Talent Exh., Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall, London / UK
2017 – Foam Talent Exh., Red Hook Labs, Brooklyn NY / USA
2016 – Galerie OstLicht, Vienna / AUT (Solo)
2016 – Foam Talent Exh., Gallery Mercatorplein / Unseen Photo Fair, Amsterdam / NL
[See Book]
Publication, Land of Black Milk, published by Skinnerboox, 2017

Exhibition view, OstLicht Gallery Vienna, 2016

Above Complexo Do Alemão, 2016, 105x70cm

Camouflage, 2016, 105x70cm

Adaption, 2016, 105x70cm

Morro, 2016, 105x70cm

2 x 15 Rounds & Rosele e Adriano, 2016, 60x40cm

Sunset, 2016,105x70cm

Favela Santo Amaro 17:50, 2016, 60x40cm

Publication, Land of Black Milk, published by Skinnerboox, 2017

Red White Yellow Black, 2016, 60x40cm

André #2, 2016, 60x40cm

Text in Foam Talent Magazine, 2016

Liaison, 2016, 105x70cm

Cover story Zeit Magazin, 2016