Leaving makes the place feel better
(swipe right)
‘I never left this place after my car broke down’ says the lady from Scotland
who now lives in town.
A little further John at the gas station, a guy not too big, tells me last night someone broke into his house, smashed his teeth and stole his wig. ‘I have a 3 bedroom house, you can stay at mine’ he says. I refuse and leave the place.
And the Mexican American still sits in his old car next to the closed bar.
What he is doing I ask. ‘Just hanging’ he answers, with his hands shaking.
The gas station is set on fire, an explosion from the settled sun.
7 pm on a highway stop and one more hour to Detroit.
Oct 16 / extract from a road trip journal
The body of work takes place in the United States, while crossing the country from the East to the West. It is a visual essay, presented through a multi channel video installation, digitally processed imagery and text.